LiPure™ Plasmid Mini Kit (50 rxns)

LiPure™ Plasmid Mini Kit (50 rxns)

Cat. #: M0037-05
Availability: In Stock
Key Features:  

• Rapid: Purification of plasmid DNA in less than 30 minutes.  

• Safe: No Phenol/chloroform extractions.  

• High-quality: DNA is suitable for a variety of downstream applications.  

LiPureTM Plasmid Mini Kit is suitable for the extraction of 1-5 ml bacterial cells. Based on the traditional alkaline lysis method, the kit uses a unique silica matrix membrane adsorption technology and reagent formulation. Each column can adsorb up to 30 µg of plasmid DNA, through the effective and specific binding of plasmid DNA under high salt condition. Proteins, genomes, RNA and other impurities can be maximumly removed. The plasmid DNA extracted can be directly used for biological experiments such as cell transfection, PCR, enzyme digestion, sequencing, and ligation.
Component:1. Buffer P1: 15 ml
2. Buffer P2: 15 ml
3. Buffer N3: 20 ml
4. Buffer PW: 15 ml
5. Elution buffer: 15 ml
6. RNase A (10 mg/ml): 150 µl
7. Mini Column: 50
8. 2 mL Collection Tube: 50
Storage:Buffer and tube at room temperature (15-30°C);RNase A at -20°C
Other Size:LiPure™ Plasmid Mini Kit (200 rxns, $259)

Case Study

Table 1
. DNA yield and quality using LiPure™ Plasmid Mini Kit

Customer Testimonials

"We tested the SuperECL™ Western Blotting Detection Kit sample, and it did work well, same as the Pierce’s one. BTW, your LiPure™ Plasmid Mini Kit works very well, better than others we used. Also I have been trying to convince our purchasing department you are a good supplier to be considered to add to our vendor list.""

------ University of Pittsburgh, Dr. Qingde Wang, PI

"I have tried your LiPure™ Plasmid Mini Kit. The Miniprep kit is easy-to-use. Plasmid DNA purified with this kit is high quality, free of potential interfering reagents, the sequencing result is excellent. We will order the kit to replace our current brand. Thank you for your sample!"

------ NIH/NIDDK, Dr. Min Li, Staff Scientist

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