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Premade Virus

Customer Testimonials

Dr. Qizhao Wang, AAVnerGene Inc.

"ExSembly™ Cloning Master Mix works very well in my hands for almost two years. It has similar or higher efficiency compared with other assembly kits!"

Dr. Guilian Tian, University of ...

"We need to order 4 more packages of 2× LiTaq™ PCR Master Mix (+Dye) (50 ml). The PCR master mix works pretty good for us and we have been using it for all of our genotyping. Thanks!"

Dr. Chune Cao, NIH/NICHD

Our lab started to use the high-quality services from LifeSct, including the gene synthesis and the gene fragments since 2017. We are always happy with the great quality of the services, the reasonable price, the prompt shipment and the good communication from LifeSct. More impressively, your LiTaq ..

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9610 Medical Center Drive, Suite 240, Rockville, MD 20850

