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Premade Virus

Customer Testimonials

Dr. Janne Liu, UPENN

"I have been using LiTaq™ Plus PCR Master Mix and LiQuant™ Universal Green qPCR Master Mix in my experiments for two years. The PCR mix can impressively amplify the difficult sequences in my hands. Amazingly, it rapidly amplifies the templates at ~ 2kb/min. And the qPCR mix has the higher sensitivit..

Dr. Zhe Zhang, JHU

"We have tested the LiQuant Universal Green qPCR Mater Mix. It worked pretty well and I believe we will order it soon. Thank you!"

Dr. Pingyuan Wang, NIH/NHLBI

"I have been using LifeSct’s SuperECL Western Blotting Detection Kit for a while and recently also start using LifeSct’s SuperECL Plus Western Blotting Detection Kit product. Both products work perfectly and the results are even better than pico and femto level products from the major brand I used b..

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