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Premade Virus

Customer Testimonials

Dr. Brent White, San Diego Stat...

" I'm citing 2× LiTaq™ Plus PCR Master Mix (LifeSct LLC) in my manuscript for a protein engineering paper. It is extremely effective, and I really appreciated the sample. I'll send you a copy as soon as it's published. BTW, LiScript™ Fast RT Master Mix works great, actually I wanted to mention how f..

Dr. Zeping Luo, UCSF

"We have tested different samples from vendors. Your product is suitable for our research. We are planning to order one LiFect293™ Transfection Reagent. Thanks!"

Dr. Ping Yu, NCI/NIH

"I have been using LiGreen™ Ultra Nucleic Acid Gel Stain and dNTPs set (100mM each) more than one years, both products are of excellent quality and are cheaper than other companies, I will continue to use them."

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9610 Medical Center Drive, Suite 240, Rockville, MD 20850

