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Premade Virus

Customer Testimonials

Dr. Ye Sun, Boston Childre...

"Using the LiDirect™ Lightning Genotyping Kit from your company, our lab members got pretty good results for positive control probes but not our mouse strains. The kit from your company is pretty good. We are optimizing the probe sequences and PCR conditions for genotyping now and at the meantime we..

Dr. Ang Guo, NDSU

"Our lab had a chance to try the LiTaq™ Plus PCR Master Mix and LiClone™ One Step DNA Assembly Kit which perform very well compared with similar products we used before. We will order them later. Thank you!"

Dr. Brent White, San Diego Stat...

" I'm citing 2× LiTaq™ Plus PCR Master Mix (LifeSct LLC) in my manuscript for a protein engineering paper. It is extremely effective, and I really appreciated the sample. I'll send you a copy as soon as it's published. BTW, LiScript™ Fast RT Master Mix works great, actually I wanted to mention how f..

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