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Premade Virus

Customer Testimonials

Dr. Jun Nagai, Brigham and Wo...

"LiDirect™ Lightning Genotyping Kit worked very well. But our lab has a lot of previous genotyping kit. After we finish them, I can order your product. Thank you."

Dr. Xiang Li, UMBC

"I tried LiSpark Ultra SuFi DNA Polymerase, and it worked as well as other high fidelity DNA polymearases for PCR reaction. The PCR products worked well for cloning reactions using DNA assembly kits."

Dr. Zhe Zhang, JHU

"We have tested the LiQuant Universal Green qPCR Mater Mix. It worked pretty well and I believe we will order it soon. Thank you!"

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9610 Medical Center Drive, Suite 240, Rockville, MD 20850

